2023-24 Don MacKenzie Scholarship Application


Don MacKenzie served as the South Coast Conference Commissioner from 1979-2004.

He attended Fairfax High School, was a war hero as part of the Navy Amphibians during the invasion of Normandy at Omaha Beach, attended Santa Barbara State College, and taught at Garfield High School for 33 years.

He was a respected football and basketball official in the San Gabriel Officials Association and was well respected throughout the 3C2A and worked diligently for all student-athletes.


Scholarship Criteria

1. Each college may submit one male and one female nominee.

2. Must be a sophomore.

3. Minimum 3.0 grade point average.

4. Must have participated in at least one (1) season in a sport offered by the SCC.

5. Submit a complete nomination packet, including:

  A. Application

  B. Applicant Letter
     1. One-page letter stating why you should be considered for the Don MacKenzie Scholarship.
     2. Please include future plans, academic awards, athletic honors, leadership roles, volunteer service, any hardship you might have overcome, and anything else you would like to share with the committee.

  C. Two Letters of Recommendation
     1. Applicant's community college head or assistant coach.
     2. Applicant's professor, coach, friend, pastor, boss, etc.

  D. College Transcripts

6. Award recipients must provide proof of registration at transfer university in order to receive scholarship award money of $1,000

7. All packets must be a single document with all required pieces included. Incomplete application packets WILL NOT BE SCREENED

8. Application deadline is Friday, July 19, 2024.

Criteria Categories

Scholarship – 35 percent (GPA's will not be rounded up)
• 5 points - 3.9 – 4.0
• 4 points - 3.8 – 3.89
• 3 points - 3.7 – 3.79
• 2 points - 3.6 – 3.69
• 1 point - 3.5 – 3.59

Athletics – 35 percent
• 5 points – Individual state champion; State MVP or First Team All-American (or comparable in sport)
• 4 points – All-Region; All-State (or comparable in sport)
• 3 points – Conference MVP
• 2 points – Individual conference champion; All-Conference First team
• 1 points – All-Conference honors other than first team

Citizenship/Community Service/Campus Involvement (outside of athletics) – 20 percent
• 5 points – The nominee engages consistently in extensive service and leadership activities that impact the campus, community, and regional levels. The nominee makes the most of opportunities presented to his/her by taking on key roles and seeks out meaningful service and leadership opportunities.
• 4 points – The nominee engages consistently in service and leadership activities and plays a significant role in impacting the campus and community in a meaningful way.
• 3 points – The nominee is involved consistently in service and leadership activities that positively affect his/her campus.
• 2 points – The nominee is involved in some service and leadership activities at various points in his/her collegiate career.
• 1 point – The nominee is involved in a few service or leadership activities that are mostly one-time or short-term events.

Personal Statement/Recommendations – 10 percent
• 5 points – The nominee eloquently explains his/her experiences as a student-athlete using poignant examples to illustrate his/her significant growth.
• 4 points – The nominee effectively explains his/her experiences as a student-athlete using appropriate examples to illustrate his/her growth or development.
• 3 points – The nominee communicates his/her experiences as a student-athlete using multiple examples to illustrate his/her growth and development.
• 2 points – The nominee communicates his/her experiences as a student-athlete using at least one example to make a connection to his/her growth and development.
• 1 point – The nominee lists some of her experiences as a student-athlete and refers in some way to how she can have a positive impact on the world.

Gender *

Applicant Letter, Letters of Recommendation, and Transcripts

Please send all applicant letters, letters of recommendation, and transcripts to:
Rich Kollen - dayofgame@me.com
Leslie Trujillo - trujillc@lahc.edu

* required field